i’m so torn with sergio. i want to like him cause i think he’s just a dumbass who’s a good person deep down but like he keeps doing the dumbest shit. like he cannot keep his mouth shut. first he tells nayeli about val and juls then lucho abt their breakup?? wtf dude

And another anon (from a week ago):

so do we hate sergio anymore? i’m torn… ? 

And another anon (from before even that):

sergio is .01% better than lucho but only because he’s not actually violent

I don’t really think he’s anything deep down, I think he’s just a normal, easily swayed dude. He couldn’t have stood up against the homophobia when it was happening? If he felt strongly enough about it to bring it up now, I mean. It’s one thing if he didn’t have a stance either way and grew and learned from it, but he did apparently think it was wrong, but didn’t say anything then.

I liked that he let Val know he supported her but other than that, the “good” things he does are so minor and usually after allowing something much worse to happen first. And I can’t forget his attitude when he found out Juls sold lottery tickets on the street and only started liking her again when she wore that dress. It feels like he’s set up in direct opposition to Val who didn’t care at all about the tickets and whose reaction to the dress only reinforced existing feelings, not changing them completely. Juls didn’t need to look or be different for Val to fall.