My Mom said something to me that made me think and it reminded me of one of your asks about Juliantina. She said that they both went through the storm individually and when they met it was like in the middle or eye of the storm if you will, and it’s been their little calm space as the drama rages on around them until the storm has to come to an end but now instead of going through it alone they have each other, it’s just about how to go about it without all the extra debris coming at them.

I don’t know if I’m making sense, since it’s hard to translate it into English about what my Mom was saying.

Wow, you and your mom talk about Juliantina? So lucky, anon! You made perfect sense and it’s such a lovely meaningful way to look at them!

It’s really amazing how they’ve written them. A nice medium between Lucia/Jacobo’s craziness and Guille/Renata’s inanity. The problems they’re facing are big but they reveal a lot about each character. They both really were lost when they met and while things are getting tougher, hopefully they’ll be able to weather them together.