That’s true! Why do my poor Valdes girls always get treated like crap? I kind of like Jacobo, especially with Val (except for that one ep with Lucho) but he’s not been great to the Valdes women. Although I did find it endearing when Lupe got kidnapped and he felt so guilty and was tracking Juls so closely.
But yeah, face to face, he’s not been great to them, and really, Juls is so totally justified, who the hell would believe her lying dick of a father when he says “I’m someone else”. He would say that, wouldn’t he. After seemingly escaping from an execution?
Gonna answer a few other plotty questions here. Another anon asked:
Hi sorry I have a question, why doesn’t Leon just tell his family like how he told Camillo? Other than that we wouldn’t have a soap opera to watch if he did
Actually, at first Camilo advised him not to, but even after Camilo saw how the kids were suffering and that Val at least was open to the concept of all this, maybe he should, Leon’s still wanting to get revenge for his murder and just wants to keep everything a secret. It is a bit forced for the drama. But I imagine he also genuinely likes to move among his family and find out things he wouldn’t have and interact with them in a way he didn’t before.
And another anon:
How was Juls let back in the house after Eva banned her. Was this mentioned?
They didn’t mention it as far as I saw, I was really hoping that the Camilo-Eva talk would maybe push Eva to very reluctantly let Juls in to help her depressed sister, but nope. Probably at this time, if yesterday’s kidnap victim wants anything, the rest of the household is going to accommodate that.
And another anon:
I shouldn’t ask that much of a show like them but I’d hope if Camilo talks to one of them or both about their relationship. Like give them advice that could help them get back together
I wish, I wish, but I don’t know if his advice would help? It’s so many other, external things, although, yes, yes, it is Juls’s state of mind being the main thing keeping them apart, but I don’t know how he could handle that? Not in one quick session.
And another anon:
There’s have to be a time jump. But most of the telenovelas had the time jump even at the end of the last episode. They put it in there for showing how are the characters in the future.
Right, right, but an epilogue is a pretty far cry from a mid-plot time jump. It really does, to me, seem like it’s going to be the former.