Hey I have a very important question! That night when Val couldn’t sleep and Juls told her a story on the phone about when she was a kid? She said her dad was super sweet with her and all. Since she lied about him being an electrician too I was wondering what you thought about that story since I don’t think “El Chino” would be that kinda guy. It’s been bugging me to know if she made that story up just for Val or not

And another ask:

Do you think the story Juls told Val when they were on the phone and Val couldn’t sleep was true? About the best day ever with her dad? Bc I can’t imagine Chino el sicario doing that. But then we see Chino in Beltran’s body playing with Beltran’s son and i wonder…

My original reaction was to believe her, that it was in fact one of the only sweet moments in her life with a man she did not have many with and remembered for that reason alone, but I’m a gullible dumbass so I don’t really know.

We know Chino sucks but is capable of some acts of decency.

On the one hand, I’m like, she could have just told any number of true stories with Lupe, if she was going to make up something, wouldn’t it be better? But on the other, maybe she doesn’t have many better stories with Lupe or didn’t want to give up anything too personal. 

Either way, it’s sad as hell. One of the many plots coming up has to be Juls finding out who Beltran is and talking things through with him, maybe we’ll see more details of her childhood.