Oh, I’d definitely say it was a change during a phone switch from the props people. Corrie had a bunch of different phones the girls used, for example, and it didn’t really seem to mean anything what user pic it was or what name was used. Literally what meaning would even be ascribed to that change? There’s no point in hiding what Juls is to her anymore. She uses Juliana when she’s worried about her all the time. If anything, it’s prettier and more meaningful. 😛
was juliantina not in today’s episode? cause usually something is already uploaded by this time but I haven’t seen nor heard anything :(
They’re up? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI2FZy3lGRk
No scenes together and in fact Val doesn’t pick up a call from Juls (while in the middle of school while everyone stares at her and whispers) But, you know. Can’t have happy Juliantina every ep, otherwise the shine would wear off. Lows make the highs higher.
Lol here I am passing the time waiting for the new juliantina episode videos to be posted and I happen to walk past my mom’s room and she’s watching amar a muerte too. I got super giddy. I really wish I could talk to her about it but she’s very close-minded. I really wonder how juliantina is affecting her though. Sorry just wanted to share it with someone!
Aww! That must have needed a double take.
I’d say that you could join her anyway and discuss the rest of the show, but I wouldn’t want you to have to put up with anything homophobic she might say. Very neat, though. If we ever get frustrated at how it’s going (which, at the moment we very much are not), we have to remember who the show’s actual audience is.
I feel like eva is projecting on val her fear of people finding out about her affair with a drug lord
Yeah, that’s probably a part of it. I hope so, otherwise it’s a bit unconscionable. How can she talk about reputations and scandal while she’s doing what she’s doing? I really don’t know what her ending will be like. She’s not bad enough to kill off, right? If this is a show about bad people being rehabilitated, she should get another chance. The affair will most like out, and then, we don’t know.
Do you know any blog to follow that like is only for Amar a Muerte?
Lol, oh I see how it is, anon. I see. Um, sorry, though, I don’t know any, but others might?
Maybe you can use the juliantinaedit tag to separate replies from edits too?
Is that…is that a thing people would want? I mean…yeah, I guess if you were going through the actual tag while on my blog, blacklisting #replies wouldn’t really work (also why would you blacklist #replies :<).
Yeah, I guess there is no way to only go through the gifs. Which means no tag replace either…
I like how Eva’s husband brought up the fact that she was perfectly fine having a f/f relationship or dalliance in her youth. But when it comes to her sister wanting a full on relationship with juliana she gets all concerned about how people will perceive it and the reputation it brings on Valentina and the family as a whole. Which I get to an extent being where they are however it is presumably 2018/19. Also Zeroty is slowly uploading their clips from yt to vimeo. vimeo.c0m/zeroty
But I think she’s actually not fine with that in her past, she probably regrets it and looks down on that of her past. The bigger thing is the affair she’s having with a cartel head. That seeeems like it might bring a bit more scandal.
Also, cool, thanks for the heads up, I’ll add that as a note.
did you ever watch Tierra de lobos?
Ah, no, it was on my list and then it was removed from my list, lol.