Well, Maca is Argentinian…so maybe that’s why? I would not be the one to ask, though. 😮
Hii can you please link the gifset you made of the times Val played with Juls’ hair? Thank you so much!
You never know how your life goes, you know? It suprises you with its ups and downs, and every new day is both a new opportunity and a new challenge. But one thing I know for sure. Tomorrow they will hug, and I will cry
This is so profound for a ship that’s not even going through hard times yet, anon, lmao.
i am both reluctant to subject myself to the interviewer’s negative energy but also curious how bárbara handled it. from whence is this interview the anon speaks of?
Not sure myself, can anyone else help out?
Wow, service so quick this is still on the first page for me to edit. Thanks!
@slowmovingdisaster replied to your post:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyCavhd9YE8 here is the full interview. Barbara was uncomfortable but super professional as always.
I wish everyone could understand Spanish because barbara was amazing during that uncomfortable and ignorant interview. I love her so much.
Aww, that’s great!
It’s by some weird circumstance that often (straight) actors are in the position of being our biggest spokespeople, both raising awareness and providing encouragement. And this isn’t really fair to us or them, they’re promoting a role, and yet, it becomes something larger. But that makes it especially nice when there are supportive actors in environments where it makes a difference. 🙂
Bárbara had to go on interview and the other woman was so homophobic ?
Aw, anon, I’m sorry. For her too, of course, for putting up with it, but you for seeing it and all the other fans excitedly tuning in and getting that.
We all got kind of spoiled and even complacent when the kisses started airing and getting better and better and there was so much positive coverage. It’s easy to forget the context and environment in which this is all happening. And of course it’s a little sad to be reminded, but it also highlights how much progress has been made and how quickly, that even for a while there was that comfort and amazement with the positivity.
While the episode was angst as hell I notice a few things people didn’t praise on here and is that with all that shit going on Val didn’t drink. Also, she never stood to Lucho until he mention Juliana. She usually let him do things and I think both of this things are amazing as her character.
You’re right, anon. That was pretty tough as far as days go but she stuck it out and was even able to argue back against Eva’s literal conversion therapy idiocy. Usually in plots like this the characters are left with some doubt but she absolutely turned it around on Eva and stood her ground. She showed a lot of strength today, honestly, there’s some steel behind all that fluff. AND she did stand up to Lucho for Juls. A lot of standing up for Val yesterday. 🙂
I didn’t really mind the missed call so much, in the context of the ep. If she had answered she would have sounded so upset, she would only have upset Juls further. Though she does need to call her back, girl is justifiably worried.
running a bet on who gets the smackdown on lucho : valentina, juliana or jacobo, who’s ur horse boo?
Hmm, I’d want it to be Juliana because I’d just like it but Jacobo could probably put the most hurt on him. Still, probably Val deserves to the most.
I like this first name basis thing we have going on, anon. Or should I apply the one iota of Spanish knowledge I’ve learned and call you anonito? 😮
why is there nobody talking about that leather jacket, though? haha!
Lol, she was very hot in it. Somebody giffed it too. http://damnthosewords.tumblr.com/post/182391856288/amar-a-muerte-im-a-little-ashamed-that-youre