i don’t think juls would actually swallow the pill, i think she realized val wasn’t in he best conditions to have an argument about it and just pretended to go with it, maybe that second gif is her placing the pill under her tongue?? like, she would drink the water, but not exactly swallow the pill and spit it later, like she actually did, i mean, when they were in val’s bedroom and val asked if the pill kicked in, she didn’t deny taking it and just went along with it

Ohh, that actually makes sense. And yeah, she just played along with Val, making up this whole story, oh, huh, yeah, it made me…dizzy? (and then Val’s cheesy ass was like I’ll make you dizzy).

And another anon:

I loved your little analysis on that pill scene! When I watched it i was so intrigued by Juls reaction at that moment and later on when they are in the room and she lies to Val sayin she did take the pill. I always wondered why she chose those actions. I picture that Juls doesn’t drink nor does drugs because of the environment she grew up in surrounded by narcos and all that, her life is shitty but she never resorted to that for solace

Aw, thank you! Right? Just to go along with the mood, I guess. From what I’m seeing, most of us are guessing that at that point, she already knew about her feelings. God, can you imagine, liking what you think might be a straight girl but she keeps treating you like how Val treats you? What kind of sweet torture…

And another anon:

i absolutely love it when u pick apart scenes boo. abt the pill – imho i don’t think jul ever rly considered taking it, i think the panic moment was more like “val rly obv wants me on her level, how do i get out of this without ruining her mood”. after all she’s had no problem saying no to alcohol even with repeated offers and pressure, even in high stress moments. i actually think that discipline with herself without judging others is a super attractive quality about juls..

Thank you again! You guys are all probably right, which I like. Girl sticks to her guns. And you’re so right about the part in bold! Principled but not self-righteous is such a fine line and she walks it with aplomb. “This is what’s good for me but you do what’s good for you.” And then she spoke up when it was clearly not good for Val.

But we all agree, it was really good acting by Barbara, right.

I’m wondering if is okay that Juliana didn’t tell Lupe yet? Like Valentina is the one dealing almost along with all of that? But juliana only has Lupe if she react bad she could be really alone. I’m confuse about that.

Anon, I have to say, I can’t really understand your reasoning here. Val’s dealing with it, but not out of choice, she was outed, quite against her will. She would be the last person to want Juls to risk any kind of safety or shelter because of…making things even? It’s not a statement Val made to show she’s more in love, that she’s more willing to fight for it or anything like that.

AND, even if she had thrown caution to the wind and deliberately come out to everyone, it’s still not any kind of race or competition. Everyone comes out on their own terms. It might even be better for one to come out, them to deal with the fallout together, and then they deal with the other person’s situation. Obviously it’s different for everyone and a telenovela is really not the blueprint to follow. But really, what Juls says to Lupe has literally 0% to do with what Val’s going through.

The whole juls being 18 is throwing me off. Not in a bad way per se, but now I wanna rewatch all her scenes, with and without valentina, with that in mind and see if I interpret her actions in a different way. It definitely puts the way Lupe sometimes treats her into perspective.

And other anons:

JULIANA IS 18 AND VAL 20-21! Juls is a baby ? when you think about it, it does make sense!

Juliana is…. 18? Huh? I guess it does make sense somehow idk

So yep, we got this reveal. I like how everyone’s all okay, hmm, interesting, I guess..? 

18 does seem so young, right, in a way 19 doesn’t (seem as young). But I’m not sure it changes that much for me personally, she doesn’t seem suddenly less mature as if through a different lens. There were already times when she would kind of lash out or react in a way that wasn’t the most mature. The way Lupe treats her isn’t really changed whether she’s a year or two older or not, not the way their lives seemed to have gone. 

But as for against Val, hmm. I know we have that one calculation based on the home vid but I dunno if we’re to take that as fact or if it was some arbitrary number the props department picked. I don’t suppose we’ll know for sure, but she’s definitely older. Do you think that’s what will change for you now, knowing Val is at least…2+ years older?