The trailers of Ek Ladki are making me believe it’s essentially going to be a Saawariya with a gay twist. The movie will be a frame narrative told by Raj’s character from his perspective.

That does seem more likely. Which. I dunno. The first mainstream Bollywood movie about a lesbian told through the POV of the guy who falls in love with her? It is what it is, I guess. Gotta give the hets something to watch for? Ease them into things? All right, all right. I calmed my own anger in this one paragraph, lol.

I am in love with Juliana and Valentina, I can’t stop binge watching them, and then, as I was about to go to sleep, I saw that anon suggested Luisita and Amelia to you, and being the hopeless gay I am, I had to check them out too before going to sleep, 2 hours later, I’m still awake watching their videos ?

Lol, see, the anons are to blame! I am simply a conduit.

I have yet to try out Luisita/Amelia, I’m still stuck on Chloe/Elly vids. They are…not smooth watching for those easily susceptible to secondhand embarrassment, lol.

I’m with the last anons too. Last night (more like at 1 am lol) I saw your gifs of Juliana and Valentina and I went to youtube and 3 + hours later I was completely on board with their relationship!!! now I’m obsessed AND i found it that I can watch the telenovela live because I have that channel and I’m a latina and omg I have a new ship so THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Aww, all jokes aside, I’m really pleased. The more we get canon f/f, the more we can actually measure them by their own worth and not simply for being…canon f/f. And these two are a really well handled ship so far. Both characters tied into the main plot, both actresses are talented (and gorgeous) and their chemistry and the writing for them are amazing. These two really do deserve to be popular.

And lucky you! Getting to watch them live and understanding them!