you got me invested JulianaxValentina with your gifs :) where do you watch Amar a Muerte?
Another vict–happy customer. >_>
Okay, so now that I know more about the show, there are a few different links to keep track of.
If you want to just watch the Juliantina clips (with english subs), this is the place for that: Some of the clips are blocked but only in individual countries, so if you can get a VPN that Youtube isn’t blocking, you should be able to watch just by switching outside of the US and Canada. Just keep trying, eventually you’ll get through. You can’t really use the online Youtube unblock proxies because they don’t include the subtitles.
If you want to watch full episodes and you need English subtitles, this place has them: The subs aren’t great quality but I don’t know of any other option.
The episodes initially air on the Mexican network Las Estrellas and as long as you get a Mexican (or even Latin American?) IP, you may be able to access their website, where the eps air live and then are available for download almost immediately after: This is where I get the eps that’ve aired in the last couple of nights. The ep quality is not great but at least you can see what’s going on.
Now, something to be aware of is the fact that wlext and most other sources clipping or uploading the eps are getting the eps from Univision. Univision eps are numbered one after Las Estrellas (except the first one) and the eps air a few days after. That’s why the subtitlers and HQ episode uploaders will seem to be constantly behind and that’s why my ep numbers won’t seem to match, I go by Las Estrellas.