Have you tried watching Luisita x Amelia? If you love Juliantina (I’m obsessed with them too), I can assure you that you will love Luimelia too, they are one of the funniest, sweetest and softest couple I’ve ever seen in a long time, gays back me up

I haven’t…but you are my second rec for them, so they are somewhat bumped up the list. But, as I told the last anon, I’m still catching up on Chloe/Elly in Neighbours and really, even there, I’m stalled. These kids are taking up all my time, I haven’t even been able to watch my other normal shows like I usually do.

I am so proud of the fact that both asks recommending Juliantina to you came from me, i thought you’d enjoy the story and i was right i guess.

Well, well, well, well. Looook who it is. Look who comes sauntering back into my inbox.:P 

For real though, thank you, anon. You weren’t entirely wrong, no. I guess I don’t absolutely hate them or anything. I might like them just a bit, just a scooch. Lol. You were both of them? They sounded different but maybe that was just a clever ploy… Successful either way! I should have tried it the first time, huh, then I’d have been able to enjoy the build-up a bit more. But here we are anyway, so yay! Here we alllll are. 

even though i don’t use tumblr anymore i still come into your blog when I’m in a wlw media hungry mood bc u always got the good ships i can watch clips of and ur taste is the best. and honestly hun u rly delivered with juliantina. good lord

Aww, first of all, how flattering. Second of all, we both know that’s a lie. Does a little show called THE PURGE ring a bell? Or Star? Two garbage shows in such a short time, shaking my head at myself.

But you know what? I will take credit for Juliantina. 😛 

Honestly, it was just good luck that the second ask recommending it came in on a Sunday when I had the free time to go, sure, I’ll give ‘em another try. And then, I was caught.

hi, where can i watch juliantina?

Okay, my most streamlined response yet, lol.

Some FAQs at the bottom regarding show length, likelihood of show renewal, and basic show premise.

New update as of July 24, 2019:

Much the below applies to when we were watching this earlier, live. The IP tricks still help because a lot of content is blocked in the US and Canada even now, but I would say to go for these two sources if you just want to watch Juliantina clips:

https://angry-sushi.tumblr.com/juliantina – This has all their early clips, including before Juliantina meet. When the subbed parts run out:

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVdq4TJwt23ZFRJC8jxL7_A/community – zeroty’s longer compilations. zeroty originally started putting up short, individual scenes from when Juliantina met as the show was airing and by the time it finished, there was a playlist of 300+ clips but you’ll probably find it more convenient to just watch the bigger chunks linked here.

IP tricks:

If you don’t have access to a good VPN that works for the blocked Youtube vids (where mostly you’ll need an IP outside the US and Canada), download the Opera browser and set the VPN to Europe or Asia.

If you need a specifically Mexican IP, here’s a trick through tor: https://pastebin.com/raw/y4CuBmkc

Actual links to watch:

Just Juliantina:

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZlgNEQJwHcpfxV-v2cskODkCuarU9qfo –  zeroty’s playlist – High quality, Juliantina clips only, good Eng subs. If you’re only going to keep up with one link (and you can’t understand Spanish), this should be it. In the US and Canada  you may need to play with a VPN to watch. These tend to be behind by a few days because they wait for the HD eps. Alternate link: 


zeroty are now uploading longer compilations of their clips, you can find links ot them here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVdq4TJwt23ZFRJC8jxL7_A/community

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYJFziR38GQ&list=PL8Q2uIDpW490wwqa5THTaI3RhTUnK0Mo6 – All the Lilies’ playlist – Lower quality vids, Juliantina clips only, and these are uploaded more quickly than the one above. 

The first videos are directly clipped from a source with poorer quality Eng subtitles but recently, the user uploads videos soon after the ep airs and handles the subtitles themselves. ETA: Since they’re being hit by copyright, uploading now on Google Drive and mega.nz. Also, twitter.

https://www.youtube.com/user/natppy1/videos – Lower quality vids, Juliantina clips only, no Eng subs, uploaded immediately after the ep finishes, this is the quickest if you want what just aired and you can’t access the official channel. Alternate link: https://vimeo.com/user85910752

http://unpanditaazul.tumblr.com/ – On Tumblr, lower quality, Juliantina clips only, Eng subs, uploaded quickly after the ep airs.

https://angry-sushi.tumblr.com/juliantina – Links to all Juliantina clips, HD, some subbed, some not.

Full eps:

https://wlext.net/series/amar-a-muerte?server=vevio&episode=001 – Videos are nice quality, full episodes with Eng subs but the translations could be better

https://lasestrellas.tv/telenovelas/amar-a-muerte – Official original network, lower quality full eps, no Eng subs, only the most recent five eps are available, you can watch live or catch up to the actual latest eps, need a Mexican or Latin American IP.

https://www.univision.com/novelas/amar-a-muerte/capitulos – Official univision channel, full HD eps, no Eng subs, but Spanish closed captioning, every recent ep gets unlocked after about a couple of weeks. The numbering is 1 after Las Estrellas and they air a few days behind. 

https://xa-cs.com.ar/topic/2920-amar-a-muerte-mega-openload-hd-720p-1080p/?page=1 – Offers the Univision eps in 544p, 720p, and 1080p. Have to register to the forum, for free, and then you have access to the links. They’ll have up to the latest Univision releases.

http://www.descargavideos.tv/ Site that lets you pass Univision links and get downloads with Spanish subtitles.

http://cablegratis.tv/canal-en-vivo/canal-de-las-estrellas Livestream to watch when airing, without needing Mexican IP.


Some of the more common questions about the show:

When will it end?

At 87 episodes, it will finish on March 3rd.

But March 3rd is a Sunday.

Not really a question, but yes, while it is a Monday to Friday show, the series finale is a two hour special, starting at 8pm CST.

Will there be a season 2?

Most likely not. There’s a very slim chance but I would not count on it. [Added on July 24, 2019: There is going to be a movie and most likely another series]

When does it air?

On Mondays to Fridays, 10:30pm EST, 9:30pm CST, 3:30am GMT.

What’s the relationship between Jacobo and Chino and Leon and Juliantina?


Much more comprehensive primer: http://dealanexmachina.tumblr.com/post/183050188436

When do they meet? Should I watch the rest of the show?

It depends on what you like. Juliana and Valentina meet in the 9th ep, but they both feature from the very start, you miss some of their individual story if you go from just the 9th or 10th ep. The rest of the show is more susceptible to usual telenovela OTTness so you could see if you have a tolerance for it and watch from the start and then skip ahead if you decide you don’t like it.

Where can I watch the deleted scenes?

Deleted car scene from episode 51 – [Tumblr]

Deleted shower scene from episode 56 – [Youtube] [Tumblr]

Netflix is currently seeking the leads for the feature film “THE HALF OF IT”

Netflix is currently seeking the leads for the feature film “THE HALF OF IT”