Who is more whipped ? Valentina or Juliana ?!?!?!?!

Hah, trick question if I’ve ever heard one, buddy. You can’t catch me out. They are the epitome of


If there’s anything one of them particularly wants the other to do…it will be done. What’s more, they both actively look for ways to make the other happy without even being asked. THAT is the level of mutual whippedosity they have reached. 

I’m going to try to cheer you up, let’s get this burger you clearly want, I’m going to ditch my job to have coffee with you, have this necklace, have this shirt, I’ll teach you swimming, I’ll teach you dancing, it just goes on and on. 

This is kinda why I can’t reconcile that unconfirmed spoiler about them being separated during a timeskip because how could two people who would do anything for the other not be able to reach some kind of understanding on whatever could possibly tear them apart? 

Yes, yes, “what if they have to separate because of the danger they bring to the other, that’s them being unselfish” but both their families are total danger magnets so you can’t argue one brings more danger than the other, and the whole point of story is to overcome obstacles, not to MENTION, that can’t be an obstacle for a timeskip because it can’t be resolved through time and distance, which is the point of them. Like what, are the cartel going to disappear off screen? So if it happens, it’s so purely going to be for drama and not character driven, which, yes, telenovelas, but you can’t decide that for the ending.

part of me is so glad the lupe kidnapping/hospital storyline is finally over bc juls has looked soo exhausted the whole time. still gorgeous obv but i love seeing her more dressed up and with her hair out of a ponytail. when she got out of the car at the party i was like val, girl i KNOW !!!

Oof, she looked sooooo good. She looks cute all the time, but in that dress? Lol at how Val could literally not stop telling her how pretty she looked, like three different times. I did have to laugh at them laughing at the previous dresses she tried on, as if Juls didn’t look amazing in all of them.

I actually like her hair in the ponytail she wore recently, and also the darker denim jacket. And not just me, apparently.

That third gif in the right column. I don’t go here so I can’t really form an opinion regarding chemistry, but the fact that the actress continues with the character quirk even though her hands are practically off camera shows that they are really comfortable in their characters and as scene partners. Unless it was in the script and then it’s just good writing.

Okay, first of all: go here! Heh.

But yeah, there are a ton of little moments which I can’t quite decide are actress choices or written in. It’s a freaking telenovela, by which I mean, there’s so much going on and it’s designed to be very exaggerated and expansive, I can’t imagine they have the time to write in every subtle little thing, especially for non-leads. I can only imagine they’ve given the actresses considerable freedom and have some attentive directors and editors.

I know everyone is obsessed with maca and I get it but barbara, damn girl. I love the whole dark thing she has going. And her jawline and chin cleft and chocolate eyes and…lol yeah.

I get you, I get you. She is gorgeous. I was actually saying to someone that during the drawn-out hospital eps where they deliberately tried to make her plainer, less makeup, hair pulled back into a simple ponytail, increased bags under eyes, she still looked great all the time. Especially when she smiled~ They are a pair of stunners.

Hi, again, thanks for all the gifs and commentary! I’ve a question about Juls – it seems likes she’s pretty appreciative about Pancito’s presence, especially for her mom’s sake – and it was pretty cute when she seemed to be teasing him a little bit? when the three of them were leaving the hospital. Was that always the case? Or was she pretty suspicious at first?

Lol, she was pretty wary at first. Hilariously so. Justifiably so, Panchito is married and has been hanging all over her mom, something she brought up directly with him. Our Juls is a direct kid, lol. He prevaricated with some bs about Lupe being one of his oldest friends and she did soften, but not fully until he was so helpful after Lupe was shot.