Do you think that Lupita knows about Juls & Val and was trying to tell Juls that she’s okay with it? Or was she just showing her support without actually knowing what was going on? It just kills me that Juls doesn’t have any one to talk to about this. Or at least she feels that way. Because besides Val, her mom is the only one she has. And I get that she can’t risk losing her.

Ugh, yeah, Juls is sooo isolated, it’s painful to see. To keep that all inside, no friends or family or even a random anonymous stranger online to just say it to, it’s gotta be eating her up inside. And that it’s her mom she’s keeping this from, who she’s so close to otherwise. How happily she would share with Lupe the details of each time she hung out with Val and now it’s all just silence and fear of text messages being seen.

I do think Lupe knows. Right? I can’t understand the scene otherwise. Hinting so strongly at a secret, being so soft and solicitous, like, it’s gotta be on her mind that Juls and Val could be a thing, after how they were interacting right in front of her the other day (technically, the day before). What else would she be showing her support for? If Juls comes home in a bad mood, why all the talk of sadness and secrets?