Thank you for all these gifs and text and tags about Juliana and Valentina! I haven’t had to chance to watch whole episodes yet, only the juliantina scenes, but would you or any of your followers have any insight into Valentina’s relationship with her sister? It seems to be pretty tumultuous (like when Val wants to go visit Juls while her stepmom is kidnapped) or Val’s ultra-reserved (like when she comes home and finds out Eva will be living with them for a while)?

You’re welcome! 

I’d say it’s a bit fraught. They definitely do love each other, but Eva’s pretty overbearing, with both the younger siblings really. 

Even though Eva is very much an older sister and they lost their mom young, she’s not a maternal figure to Val. Oddly enough, I would say one of the sources of tension between them is how easygoing Val is. She is totally fine with Lucia as their stepmom, for example, while Eva loathes her (while still having astronomical amounts of sexual tension with her). During Lucia’s kidnapping, Eva advocated much more for a wait and see approach while Val was all for helping Lucia as much as possible. And then, like you said, Val just wanted to go visit Juls but Eva forbid it for her safety. In recent times, with everything going on, including Val’s thing with Juls, Eva’s just gotten more demanding and stricter and Val’s not really looking forward to having that presence in the house with them.