A romance novel heroine generally has less latitude than a romance hero to be awful. In-book, she usually has less physical strength and social power to act on her worst impulses without serious consequences. Out-of-book, she’s subject to harsher judgments from readers. Still, some manage to do some seriously bad shit that’s endorsed, excused, or minimized by the narrative.
This list is a little different from my 2013 list. Back then, I chose the heroines that personally annoyed me the most; this time around, I focused on the heroines whose actions I found the most morally repugnant. As a result, there are a couple of heroines on this list who were eligible for the 2013 version, but didn’t make it because they were almost well-written (#6) or their bullshit was kind of lost in the greater bullshit of the novel (#5).
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