Am I the only one who finds it *curious* when an anon goes into a creator’s inbox to complain about a ship that the creator clearly enjoys making content for and lists off all the reasons they hate said ship/content and why it’s so ~TOXIC? No? Just me? You’re classy, Boo, and thanks for the art of the day!

Haha, I would say you are also not alone in that, anon. Thanks for your kind words. 🙂 And the art of the day appreciation! I knew I wasn’t just posting in the wind.

Am I the only one who can’t stand Kana? Idc about the latest baby nonsense; I’ve hated their relationship from jump. WhAm I the only one wen Kate isn’t doing well all she thinks about is herself. When she IS doing well all she thinks about is herself. When she “tries” to support Rana all she thinks about is herself. I hate that the relationship is celebrated as somehow aspirational when it’s actually toxic. (How Corrie writes & frames POC characters & storylines is a whole other conversation.)

Well, anon, I would very much say you are not the only one. You are, of course, free to think what you want but I disagree with your take on Kate and the relationship.