What’s happened with tell it to the bees?
Ahh, I was hoping you’d ask because! I have things to say!
If you’re on mobile, there was a read more bar above, spoilers will follow below.
They don’t get a happy ending.
My friend went to the showing at TIFF and told me what happened.
Jean is dropping Lydia and Charlie off at the train station and they’re meant to go off and then Jean will follow but Charlie realizes that she’ll stay to be the town doctor and Lydia apparently seems to get it too and that’s that. They’re meant to have grown from this experience.
Satisfactory endings don’t have to be where the characters are together. I get that. The Favourite, Harlots, I can point out I personally like what we got or will get. I say this to not be branded as someone who absolutely demands only one kind of ending.
I get that in all the movies with f/f in 20gayteen, Tell It to the Bees, Colette, The Favourite, Miseducation of Cameron Post, Vita & Virginia, Can You Ever Forgive Me, this was supposed to be the happy ending (we don’t know about Rafiki but hey, that’s the movie that’s literally banned in its own country, it’s all fun fun fun in 20gayteen). Because it was based on a book with a happy ending! I just–what kind of arrogance to look at a story and think that you know better, that gays couldn’t possibly be happy and to feel so strongly about it you change the whole story? And you know, the movie wasn’t all bad. In the book, they left because they didn’t want to put with the homophobia from the town. In the movie, that’s why Jean stayed, her arc became about overcoming the homophobia she faced when younger and staying and being out and proud. Why not combine that? Why not have Lydia stay too if that had to be the statement? That would have been an even stronger conclusion, to show that it wouldn’t all be magically fixed or easy, not at all, but that they’d stay through it, and together?
I genuinely cannot see the point of this movie without that. It would be the ending that pulls it all together, without a proper conclusion it’s yet another lecture on homophobia. What, the societal circumstances of the ‘50s were so important the director felt the need to bring them to now? Yeah, I’m exaggerating and being unfair, but tell me, what else should I say to this is? That somebody saw one of our rare happy endings and decided it wasn’t…earned? It wasn’t accurate?
I’m angry but I’m more just hurt that that’s how they still see us.
ETA: The book was lovely, I do recommend that.
ETAA: I remember people saying it looked too good to be true. It couldn’t possible be a good movie and end well for us. Lol.
ETAA: My friend, who had not read the book yet, did like it and said the love scene was great and until the very end, it was quite lovely. She said if she hadn’t known about the book’s ending or that it was changed, she’d have been fine with it all.
What’s happened with tell it to the bees?
Ahh, I was hoping you’d ask because! I have things to say!
If you’re on mobile, there was a read more bar above, spoilers will follow below.
They don’t get a happy ending.
My friend went to the showing at TIFF and told me what happened.
Jean is dropping Lydia and Charlie off at the train station and they’re meant to go off and then Jean will follow but Charlie realizes that she’ll stay to be the town doctor and Lydia apparently seems to get it too and that’s that. They’re meant to have grown from this experience.
Satisfactory endings don’t have to be where the characters are together. I get that. The Favourite, Harlots, I can point out I personally like what we got or will get. I say this to not be branded as someone who absolutely demands only one kind of ending.
I get that in all the movies with f/f in 20gayteen, Tell It to the Bees, Colette, The Favourite, Miseducation of Cameron Post, Vita & Virginia, Can You Ever Forgive Me, this was supposed to be the happy ending (we don’t know about Rafiki but hey, that’s the movie that’s literally banned in its own country, it’s all fun fun fun in 20gayteen). Because it was based on a book with a happy ending! I just–what kind of arrogance to look at a story and think that you know better, that gays couldn’t possibly be happy and to feel so strongly about it you change the whole story? And you know, the movie wasn’t all bad. In the book, they left because they didn’t want to put with the homophobia from the town. In the movie, that’s why Jean stayed, her arc became about overcoming the homophobia she faced when younger and staying and being out and proud. Why not combine that? Why not have Lydia stay too if that had to be the statement? That would have been an even stronger conclusion, to show that it wouldn’t all be magically fixed or easy, not at all, but that they’d stay through it, and together?
I genuinely cannot see the point of this movie without that. It would be the ending that pulls it all together, without a proper conclusion it’s yet another lecture on homophobia. What, the societal circumstances of the ‘50s were so important the director felt the need to bring them to now? Yeah, I’m exaggerating and being unfair, but tell me, what else should I say to this is? That somebody saw one of our rare happy endings and decided it wasn’t…earned? It wasn’t accurate?
I’m angry but I’m more just hurt that that’s how they still see us.
ETA: The book was lovely, I do recommend that.
ETAA: I remember people saying it looked too good to be true. It couldn’t possible be a good movie and end well for us. Lol.
ETAA: My friend, who had not read the book yet, did like it and said the love scene was great and until the very end, it was quite lovely. She said if she hadn’t known about the book’s ending or that it was changed, she’d have been fine with it all.
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