Top 5 series of all time in your opinion?
Haha, I could not even BEGIN to–okay, I’ll go with The Wire as still probably the best series ever, but after that, no idea. Pushing Daisies would probably be up there? And then I don’t know. I’m not entirely sure whether to answer it as the top 5 shows quality wise or that I like to watch. Either way, I wouldn’t be able to decide.
Top 5 series of all time in your opinion?
Haha, I could not even BEGIN to–okay, I’ll go with The Wire as still probably the best series ever, but after that, no idea. Pushing Daisies would probably be up there? And then I don’t know. I’m not entirely sure whether to answer it as the top 5 shows quality wise or that I like to watch. Either way, I wouldn’t be able to decide.
Hi, do you know where I can find the video to this gifset of yours (/post/168409658505 – Bhavna digging her car out of the snow)
Those were a series of instastories she posted. No longer available on instagram anymore but I think if you search here you’ll see some reposted. Here’s a fairly long compilation.
Hi, do you know where I can find the video to this gifset of yours (/post/168409658505 – Bhavna digging her car out of the snow)
Those were a series of instastories she posted. No longer available on instagram anymore but I think if you search here you’ll see some reposted. Here’s a fairly long compilation.
do you have a pattern or suggestion about where to get a pattern for the tunic base of this amazing Mulan costume?
Wh–which costume? I think you might have the wrong person, anon.