kanawarrior on Twitter came up with a theory that this isn’t the first time rana has had feelings towards a girl and her parents know that and that that’s the twist. It probably won’t happen but it sounds good and it’d be a look into Rana’s past.

I’ve been thinking about that too and it’s definitely a possibility. I can immediately think of a couple of counterarguments, specifically Rana’s very genuine bewilderment at her feelings, even sadly confessing to Zee that she thought she might be homophobic, and then she seemed so adamant about never having felt anything like this before, including for other women. 

Like, she brought it up in a such a way that implied she’d been analyzing herself and hadn’t found anything.

But. Corrie could easily retcon that or explain it as something in her past she might not even have fully understood at the time, how many of us had crushes as a kid we only realized were crushes years and years later? Or it could be some soapy dramatic thing where her parents found out and were so horrible about it, she repressed it completely. 

Do you think Zee could threaten rana by saying he might hurt himself or something like that?

Threaten her into staying with him, I assume you mean?

Do I think it’s possible? Yes. Do I think it’s likely…I’m gonna say no for the moment, this has been about an already serious issue surrounding Rana, to bring in another serious issue would seem an odd move to me. But they could just have it happen and then forget about it a couple of weeks. I believe it’s Zee’s sudden spiral into drinking that might be as far as it goes for him?

Do you think Zee could threaten rana by saying he might hurt himself or something like that?

Threaten her into staying with him, I assume you mean?

Do I think it’s possible? Yes. Do I think it’s likely…I’m gonna say no for the moment, this has been about an already serious issue surrounding Rana, to bring in another serious issue would seem an odd move to me. But they could just have it happen and then forget about it a couple of weeks. I believe it’s Zee’s sudden spiral into drinking that might be as far as it goes for him?

a blog on here callwd chesterbenni posts loads of spoilers for corrie

Ooh, thanks. 


Wow… From @chesterbenni​ (and apparently kanawarrior on twitter):

“To her horror Zeedan hands around glasses of whiskey and forces her to confess about her affair. When he reveals that her lover is a woman her parents and [sic] stunned but he is shocked by their next move.”

…so…he outs her? I can’t even get over the different parts in this. I’m already freaking stuck on the glasses of whiskey! So knowing that they frown on drinking and that they know he doesn’t drink and they disapprove of Rana drinking, he’s going to rile them up deliberately first by doing that? I can’t expect the alcohol to be received well. Then FORCES her to confess and THEN OUTS HER? Jesus. 

I really didn’t expect this to happen so soon. But if their reaction surprises him…maybe they’re NOT actually horrible about it? Or like, are, but not in a typical “how could you, disgusting, we’re disowning you” kind of way, but instead, “we always wondered/not surprising, well, we don’t know how you put up with her, Zee, she’s your problem now, fix this?” I mean, it can’t be that they’re onboard with it, that wouldn’t make dramatic sense (nor be at all reflective of what the storyline’s aiming for in even trying to represent this arc), plus we know her father makes Zee an offer, so clearly they’re trying to brush it aside. It’s all so repulsive no matter what, yuck. God, and I thought it was gonna go slow.