Hi there, hope all well. I am contacting you from the Coronation Street Digital team and need some info on these Previews. They have a strict embargo of Sat evening (as they often contain spoilers) As such, they absolutely should never be released in advance of episodes. We #love Kana clips here and it would be real shame to think we’d have to never feature them again for fear of leaks. So any info where leaks might be happening very much appreciated and treated in strictest confidence.

Anon…friend… I have no idea what possessed you to write this and send it to me. 

Hi there, hope all well. I am contacting you from the Coronation Street Digital team and need some info on these Previews. They have a strict embargo of Sat evening (as they often contain spoilers) As such, they absolutely should never be released in advance of episodes. We #love Kana clips here and it would be real shame to think we’d have to never feature them again for fear of leaks. So any info where leaks might be happening very much appreciated and treated in strictest confidence.

Anon…friend… I have no idea what possessed you to write this and send it to me.