To the anon who sent that ask about the show that they’re not into, you know who you are. I can see why those reasons might be why you’re not able to get into it. For me, I actually was into them before, for a while, or I tried to be, anyway. But I just wasn’t feeling the show itself, partly for the reasons you mentioned, but mostly just the writing overall. I’ll begin a show just for a ship, but it’s very rare that I’ll keep watching a show I don’t like for a ship.
Thanks for all the quality freelin content! I am loving them and your tags and anyway it’s fantastic, thank you so much!
Aw, thanks! I know I still haven’t done much for the last ep or the one before (despite the lack of Keelin -_-) or some other stuff I promised but work has been SO busy lately. Once that slows down, I’ll get back on this.
Thanks for all the quality freelin content! I am loving them and your tags and anyway it’s fantastic, thank you so much!
Aw, thanks! I know I still haven’t done much for the last ep or the one before (despite the lack of Keelin -_-) or some other stuff I promised but work has been SO busy lately. Once that slows down, I’ll get back on this.
The BEST transition…now with audio.
The BEST transition…now with audio.
The BEST transition…now with audio.
Just wondering, what do you usually do on the first day of Eid? And do you call them Eid? Because where I’m from, we call it Hari Raya Aidilfitri
We do call them Eid, usually context will clarify which one we’re talking about but otherwise it’s Eid al Fitr (and Eid al Adha is usually called Bakra Eid in Pakistan, bakra meaning goat). At home, of course it’d be a holiday and everyone would get up early and shower and put on new fancy clothes, then Eid prayers, then party food and everyone’d be visiting each other’s house.
I live alone in the US now, so just the first part for me and then to work, nothing too special.
Just wondering, what do you usually do on the first day of Eid? And do you call them Eid? Because where I’m from, we call it Hari Raya Aidilfitri
We do call them Eid, usually context will clarify which one we’re talking about but otherwise it’s Eid al Fitr (and Eid al Adha is usually called Bakra Eid in Pakistan, bakra meaning goat). At home, of course it’d be a holiday and everyone would get up early and shower and put on new fancy clothes, then Eid prayers, then party food and everyone’d be visiting each other’s house.
I live alone in the US now, so just the first part for me and then to work, nothing too special.