Fandom Trumps Hate is almost here!
What is it?
An online fanfic/fanart auction to benefit a variety of organizations helping populations targeted by Trump and his administration. (Such as the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, Trans Lifeline, and the National Immigrant Justice Center.)
How does it work?
Authors and artists will sign up to offer their work at auction. The winner will donate their winning bid amount to one of the charities listed below, then send the author/artist email proof of their charitable donation. Once we know you’ve donated, the author/artist will get to work on your item! If you’ve seen previous auctions to benefit AO3 or Haiti, it’s kind of like that.
When is it happening?
Dec 19: Author/artist signups open (also electoral college votes)
Dec 31: Author/artist signups close
Jan 12: Bidding opens
Jan 20: Bidding closes (and the new president is inaugurated)
Jan 31: Proof of donation due to your author/artist
If you write fic or create fanart, get ready to sign up!
If you don’t, point your favorite authors and artists this way in case they’re interested! Either way, get ready to bid to support some great organizations!
Check out our FAQ for more info, including a list of the charities the auction will be supporting. If we’ve missed anything, drop us a note in our askbox!
Author/artist signups open December 19 and close December 31.