Ah, it was well written and while it wasn’t a documentary or anything, it certainly made me think of the things like that happened for real, all that manipulation and using of women and it made me feel bad for the real people who go through that.
Have you watched unreal? if so, would you recommend it?
Hmm. I tried it and got a few episodes in. But honestly, while I recommended it to my friend as a surprisingly good and perceptive show, it made me feel pretty awful so I gave up. I’d say give it a try, at least. (I did come back to watch THAT episode later on, though.)
Have you watched unreal? if so, would you recommend it?
Hmm. I tried it and got a few episodes in. But honestly, while I recommended it to my friend as a surprisingly good and perceptive show, it made me feel pretty awful so I gave up. I’d say give it a try, at least. (I did come back to watch THAT episode later on, though.)