




I’ve just returned from Christian Taylor’s candlelight vigil, and his family does NOT want his face to be used as any page’s profile pictures, or have any sort of protests or rallies in his name, or have this made into discourse on racism (although his brother Adrian did state that “this law enforcement stuff is crazy and is happening every week”). they ask if you could not believe ANYTHING on the news or social media, and not spread anything unless it is directly from the family. they would like to remind everyone that NO ONE except the people who were there know what happened yet. please remember that this is a young man with many many dear friends and family, and we have literally just began mourning. we are all hurting. please do not turn an untimely death into immediate political discourse. remember to love each other and stay safe.

reblog this so the message can be spread, please

I mean. I can promise all except that he won’t become a part of the racial discourse. His death unfortunately doesn’t just belong to the family it belongs to the epidemic of modern day lynchings. And that is sad to say but extremely important.

Am I wrong? Please like feel free to tell me I’m wrong

So they want it hidden

no. they want people to give them time to grieve for their son and brother before everyone begins politicizing it. he lost his life. he was a son, brother, friend, confidante, encourager. the whole community is hurting, man. he’s not solely a hashtag or a headline, yanno? none of us even know anything but vague outlines. they just want to celebrate his life and have space to grieve.