26 Favorite Femslash Moments of 2014
23. Arrow – Nyssa and Sara’s reunionHeh, I dunno if this even needs a description. An episode titled Heir of the Demon, when Nyssa freaking Al Ghul is introduced to the show, and it’s Katrina Law kissing Sara Lance? Hoh-kay, then. Like, we know something’s going to happen in this scene, the League of Assassins has returned, then the music and Sara and Oliver’s reactions alert us as Nyssa dramatically swoops down, gliding forward with knife drawn and we’re all whoa whoa whoaaa but! She pulls her into a kiss as the music softens~ This was all OVER my dash when it happened and I do kind of adore when fandom has big enthusiastic moments like that (although of course it was the opposite when the next season premiered -_-).
26 Favorite Femslash Moments of 2014
23. Arrow – Nyssa and Sara’s reunionHeh, I dunno if this even needs a description. An episode titled Heir of the Demon, when Nyssa freaking Al Ghul is introduced to the show, and it’s Katrina Law kissing Sara Lance? Hoh-kay, then. Like, we know something’s going to happen in this scene, the League of Assassins has returned, then the music and Sara and Oliver’s reactions alert us as Nyssa dramatically swoops down, gliding forward with knife drawn and we’re all whoa whoa whoaaa but! She pulls her into a kiss as the music softens~ This was all OVER my dash when it happened and I do kind of adore when fandom has big enthusiastic moments like that (although of course it was the opposite when the next season premiered -_-).
26 Favorite Femslash Moments of 2014
24. Matador – Reyna and Silda
Okay, so I LOVED Matador. Loooved it. Typical brash rule-breaking male cop? Check. Completely subverting the usual tropes by him being a really lovely Latino dude who’d only break the rules when his superiors would give him gross orders that put people’s lives in risk? Also check. Writing him as incredibly respectful to all the women in his life and casting the adorable Gabriel Luna? Double check. Partner him with a hot, responsible blonde who’d bust out the actress’s real Aussie accents for undercover work, and I’m sold.However, the show was not so kind to the one semi-regular queer lady. Reyna Flores was a fun side character at first, the sports reporter hyping up the Matador’s reputation and possibly getting too close to real his identity. She’d shared a heavily flirtatious scene with Silda earlier, and I’d been waiting for more of them. Then we got this scene. If it feels a bit stilted and weird, that’s because It is. Shortly after this, Reyna goes to attempt to assassinate a crime boss, and obviously knew she might not survive. She did not. What a waste of a character, and cruel too, another queer lady and WoC death.
But in the few scenes we did get, it was nice to have them.
26 Favorite Femslash Moments of 2014
24. Matador – Reyna and Silda
Okay, so I LOVED Matador. Loooved it. Typical brash rule-breaking male cop? Check. Completely subverting the usual tropes by him being a really lovely Latino dude who’d only break the rules when his superiors would give him gross orders that put people’s lives in risk? Also check. Writing him as incredibly respectful to all the women in his life and casting the adorable Gabriel Luna? Double check. Partner him with a hot, responsible blonde who’d bust out the actress’s real Aussie accents for undercover work, and I’m sold.However, the show was not so kind to the one semi-regular queer lady. Reyna Flores was a fun side character at first, the sports reporter hyping up the Matador’s reputation and possibly getting too close to real his identity. She’d shared a heavily flirtatious scene with Silda earlier, and I’d been waiting for more of them. Then we got this scene. If it feels a bit stilted and weird, that’s because It is. Shortly after this, Reyna goes to attempt to assassinate a crime boss, and obviously knew she might not survive. She did not. What a waste of a character, and cruel too, another queer lady and WoC death.
But in the few scenes we did get, it was nice to have them.
26 Favorite Femslash Moments of 2014
24. Matador – Reyna and Silda
Okay, so I LOVED Matador. Loooved it. Typical brash rule-breaking male cop? Check. Completely subverting the usual tropes by him being a really lovely Latino dude who’d only break the rules when his superiors would give him gross orders that put people’s lives in risk? Also check. Writing him as incredibly respectful to all the women in his life and casting the adorable Gabriel Luna? Double check. Partner him with a hot, responsible blonde who’d bust out the actress’s real Aussie accents for undercover work, and I’m sold.However, the show was not so kind to the one semi-regular queer lady. Reyna Flores was a fun side character at first, the sports reporter hyping up the Matador’s reputation and possibly getting too close to real his identity. She’d shared a heavily flirtatious scene with Silda earlier, and I’d been waiting for more of them. Then we got this scene. If it feels a bit stilted and weird, that’s because It is. Shortly after this, Reyna goes to attempt to assassinate a crime boss, and obviously knew she might not survive. She did not. What a waste of a character, and cruel too, another queer lady and WoC death.
But in the few scenes we did get, it was nice to have them.