brocanteur answered your post: What word do I use to indicate women t…
blossomsillusions answered your post: What word do I use to indicate women t…
I just say “they’re not straight” that’s the best I can give
shaloved30 replied to your post: What word do I use to indicate women t…
ladies loving ladies?
agnost answered your post: What word do I use to indicate women t…
a bunch of ppl use “lbpq” as an acronym (or “lbpq women”), which i personally like the most as too, or yeah, just, “women who love women” or “girls who like girls” or something similar?
ralst answered your post: What word do I use to indicate women t…
Queer seems to be the only all encompassing one that most people tend to know but if you’re not comfortable with it I’d just stick with your ‘femslash related stuff’ or maybe ‘ladies loving ladies’ or just ‘femslash’?
theyareafterusjim answered your post: What word do I use to indicate women t…
there’s a tag on tumblr that a couple people started a while ago to be a catchall for women who like women in whatever capacity that may be. difemina. from the latin roots for two women.
wolfy58 reblogged your post What word do I use to indicate women t… and added:
I’m lesbian but do not identify myself as queer
Thanks for all the answers! All right, then…
Queer’s pretty widely used but I guess my initial objection’s still there. Difemina looks pretty good but it’s just a tag? I remember now, I saw that post too and it seems to have been created literally for this reason but I’m not sure how it’d go with being used as a descriptor. For example, can I say difemina women on TV? Lady-loving ladies? lbpq women…might be the winner. Hmm.
ridiculousmavis answered your post: What word do I use to indicate women t…
Not got anything helpful to add except that yeah, that bothers me too.
Aye, I’ve just been stumbling along for a while but with Femslash February coming up, I thought I’d ask.
brocanteur answered your post: What word do I use to indicate women t…
blossomsillusions answered your post: What word do I use to indicate women t…
I just say “they’re not straight” that’s the best I can give
shaloved30 replied to your post: What word do I use to indicate women t…
ladies loving ladies?
agnost answered your post: What word do I use to indicate women t…
a bunch of ppl use “lbpq” as an acronym (or “lbpq women”), which i personally like the most as too, or yeah, just, “women who love women” or “girls who like girls” or something similar?
ralst answered your post: What word do I use to indicate women t…
Queer seems to be the only all encompassing one that most people tend to know but if you’re not comfortable with it I’d just stick with your ‘femslash related stuff’ or maybe ‘ladies loving ladies’ or just ‘femslash’?
theyareafterusjim answered your post: What word do I use to indicate women t…
there’s a tag on tumblr that a couple people started a while ago to be a catchall for women who like women in whatever capacity that may be. difemina. from the latin roots for two women.
wolfy58 reblogged your post What word do I use to indicate women t… and added:
I’m lesbian but do not identify myself as queer
Thanks for all the answers! All right, then…
Queer’s pretty widely used but I guess my initial objection’s still there. Difemina looks pretty good but it’s just a tag? I remember now, I saw that post too and it seems to have been created literally for this reason but I’m not sure how it’d go with being used as a descriptor. For example, can I say difemina women on TV? Lady-loving ladies? lbpq women…might be the winner. Hmm.
ridiculousmavis answered your post: What word do I use to indicate women t…
Not got anything helpful to add except that yeah, that bothers me too.
Aye, I’ve just been stumbling along for a while but with Femslash February coming up, I thought I’d ask.
Random tv thing I don’t like: when they put a token Black woman (or WoC) in a position of power only to have her authority constantly and continuously undermined by shitty white men.
I’m looking at you Eureka and Suits.
I’ve actually been thinking about procedurals that do that, have a Black boss so the show’s diverse, but then basically have her in this sexless tough-but-fair occasionally antagonist role for the main white dude to bounce off of. Like, this is just off the top of my head, but adding to that list: Detroit 1-8-7, Forever, Mentalist (until Abbott, all the bosses were white men, which the show already had many of in the main cast, while Hightower was the only Black female with significant screentime), and The Glades.
Random tv thing I don’t like: when they put a token Black woman (or WoC) in a position of power only to have her authority constantly and continuously undermined by shitty white men.
I’m looking at you Eureka and Suits.
I’ve actually been thinking about procedurals that do that, have a Black boss so the show’s diverse, but then basically have her in this sexless tough-but-fair occasionally antagonist role for the main white dude to bounce off of. Like, this is just off the top of my head, but adding to that list: Detroit 1-8-7, Forever, Mentalist (until Abbott, all the bosses were white men, which the show already had many of in the main cast, while Hightower was the only Black female with significant screentime), and The Glades.
What word do I use to indicate women that aren’t straight? I used to say gay or lesbian and eventually realized how inaccurate that was and went to queer as a catchall, but I know some people dislike it because it’s a slur and I understand that.
What can I use that isn’t cumbersome or limiting? I don’t really want to use lesbian/bi/pan/queer or non-straight (and they won’t tag well), but I can’t actually think of anything else?
What word do I use to indicate women that aren’t straight? I used to say gay or lesbian and eventually realized how inaccurate that was and went to queer as a catchall, but I know some people dislike it because it’s a slur and I understand that.
What can I use that isn’t cumbersome or limiting? I don’t really want to use lesbian/bi/pan/queer or non-straight (and they won’t tag well), but I can’t actually think of anything else?