
Shooting Black People is a Lucrative Business in AmeriKKKa & Cops are Cashing-In | AmericaWakieWakie

George Zimmerman, the man who murdered black youth Trayvon Martin, raised nearly half a million dollars in a Kickstarter campaign after the incident. This does not include Zimmerman’s paintings, one of which he sold for a cold $110,200. He sold another for $30,000. And if it weren’t for an outraged Twitter campaign to nix it, he’d have cashed in off a book deal as well. 

Now enter killer cop Darren Wilson. After being put on paid leave (vacation) for three months for slaying unarmed Mike Brown, Wilson raked in $433,000 in donations for his “legal defense fund,” a fat stack of cash he may never need in court since a farce of a grand jury chose not to indict him. Together, Zimmerman and Wilson have banked well over a million for murdering black teenagers.  

As if adding insult to injury were not enough throughout these travesties of justice, white supremacy is taking on new ground. Now racist cops want reparations for shooting black people. The irony there is enough to make your head explode.

The Daily Beast reports:

“Nine of the 13 Cleveland cops who fired 137 shots at two apparently unarmed black civilians following a high-speed chase in 2012 have filed a federal lawsuit saying they are victims of racial discrimination.

…Eight of the aggrieved cops are white. The ninth is Hispanic. They charge that the city of Cleveland has “a history of treating non-African American officers involved in the shootings of African Americans substantially harsher than African-American officers.””

For People of Color, some of us will think we have seen it all and still be shocked by this. For others, we understand this news comes to us in the midst of an atmosphere drenched in PoC blood. Let us not forget the killers we are dealing with, nor the ones they kill. 

Here is a short list of the slain created by a comrade over at

Aiyana Stanley-Jones, 7 years old, 2010 — Officer Joseph Weekley’s gun fired and shot Aiyana in the head as she was asleep on the couch during a police raid. He was charged with involuntary manslaughter.

– Amadou Diallo, 23 years old, 1999 — NYPD plain clothed operatives: Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon and Kenneth Boss, shot 41 times at unarmed Diallo. Acquitted of all charges.

– Corey Brown, 31 years old, 2013 — Officers Maria Pacillo, Bryan Wyszynski, and Derrick Simpson opened fire when Brown refused to show his hands. They mistakenly believed he was concealing a weapon. All three were fired. Further action is unknown.

– DeAunta Terrel Farrow, 12 years old, 2007 — Officer Erik Sammis and Officer Jimmy were on stakeout when Officer Erik Sammis shot DeAunta after mistakenly believing the toy gun he was playing with for a real one. Both were found not liable.

– Derrick Jones, 37 years old, 2010 — Officers Eriberto Perez-Angeles* and Omar Daza-Quiroz* shot Jones when he ran from them when they tried to question him. They believe he tried to grab his gun yet Jones was unarmed. The case was dismissed.

– Emmett Till, 14 years old, 1955 — Kidnapped, tortured and killed for flirting with a white cashier. The men involved were acquitted by an all white male jury. His murder and open casket murder jump started the emerging Civil Rights Movement.

– Guy Jarreau Jr., 34 years old, 2010 — Officer’s name is unknown. Guy and friends were shooting an anti-violence video when police arrived and chased Guy before shooting him. Further action unknown.

– Jimmell Cannon, 13 years old, 2011 — Riddled with bullets for allegedly carrying a BB gun. Further action unknown.

– Kenneth Harding, 19 years old, 2011 — Officers Matthew Lopez and Richard Hastings were involved in an exchange of gun fire whereby Kenneth was fatally shot as he ran away from the officers who aimed to detain him for allegedly fair evasion. Both officers were awarded a Gold Medal of Valor and hailed as heroes. (It is said Kenneth Harding was a career criminal wanted for the murder of a young pregnant woman in Seattle a week before his death).

– Kiwane Carrington, 15 years old, 2009 — Officer Dan Norbits* drew his gun and it discharged killing Kiwane. He was suspended without pay for 30 days. No charges were filed.

– Orlando Barlow, 28 years old, 2003 — Officer Brian Hartman fired at Orlando after responding to domestic disturbance call. He was cleared of any wrong-doing and the shooting was ruled justified.

– Oscar Grant, 22 years old, 2009 — Officer Johannes Mehserle fired at Grant’s back as he lay face down after being pulled off a train on suspicion of fighting. He was charged with involuntary manslaughter. He was released after serving 11 months of his two year sentence.

– Ousmane Zongo, 43 years old, 2003 — Officer Bryan A. Conroy dressed in plain clothing shot at Ousmane during a police raid. He was convicted of criminally negligent homicide and sentenced to 5 years in prison and 500 community service hours and fired from the police department. He appealed his conviction and sentence. Ousmane’s family settled the lawsuit against the city for $3million. Similar to Amadou Diallo’s murder.

– Patrick Dorismond, 26 years old, 2000 — Detective Anthony Vasquez approached Patrick in plain clothing. There are different accounts of what occurred. A grand jury declined to indict him of Patrick’s death on account of an accidental shooting.Similar to Amadou Diallo’s murder.

– Ramarley Graham, 18 years old, 2012 — Officer Richard Haste shot Ramarley in his bathroom when he refused to put his hands up during a narcotics raid. The judge threw out the manslaughter indictment over an error in court proceedings.

– Reginald Doucet, 25 years old, 2011 — Officer Aaron Goff and partner attempted to detain Reginald and talk him back into wearing his boxers (he was naked after stripping down after engaging in a fight with his taxi driver). Goff decision to shoot was ruled justifiable by police commissioner.

– Rekia Boyd, 22 years old, 2012 — Detective Dante Servin was off duty when he shot Rekia in the head after engaging in a verbal altercation with one of the individuals Rekia was standing with. Servin is currently on trial for manslaughter.

– Ronald Madison, 40 years old, 2005 — Officers Kenneth Bowen, Robert Faulcon, Robert Gisevius, Arthur Kaufman and Anthony Villavaso made their way to Danziger Bridge after receiving a distress call from another officer who said men were shooting at police. Faulcon killed Ronald with a shotgun blast to the back as he ran away. A jury found all five officers guilty of the shooting and the subsequent cover-up.

– Sean Bell, 23 years old, 2006 — Detective Gescard Isnora shot at Sean in the early hours of his wedding day. He suspected Sean was about to take part in a drive-by shooting. Detectives Marc Cooper and Michael Oliver were also there yet all three detectives were acquitted of all charges.

– Steven Eugene Washington, 27 years old, 2010 — Officers Allan Corrales and George Diego shot Steven after he approached them and appeared to remove something from his waistband. No weapon was recovered. Each officer fired once and Steven was shot in the head. The police commission ruled that the two officers were not justified in the fatal shooting rejecting the police chiefs recommendation to clear the two officers of the shooting.

– Tarika Wilson, 26 years old, 2008 — Sgt. Joe Chavalia shot at Tarika killing her. He also shot and injured one of her six children, Sincere Wilson, who was a one-year-old at the time. It is believed she was shot because she was the biracial girlfriend of a suspected drug dealer. He was found not guilty and cleared of wrongdoing.

– Tavares McGill, 16 years old, 2005 — Security guards William Patrick Swofford and Bryan Ansley shot Taveres in the back as he tried to drive away after being spooked by the guards shining their light into his car. Swofford was charged with manslaughter. Both Swofford and Ansley were charged with shooting into an occupied vehicle. The case went to trial but was dismissed on grounds of “self-defense”.

– Trayvon Martin, 17 years old, 2012 — Officer George Zimmerman shot Trayvon as he walked home on his way from a convenience store on account of finding him “suspicious”. Details of the shooting itself remain unclear. Zimmerman claimed he shot in self-defense. Zimmerman was found not guilty.

– Victor Steen, 17 years old, 2009 — Officer Gerald Ard ran over Victor. Gerald, then in a car, flashed at Victor and when he did not stop, he tried to shock Victor with a taser. After the taser was fired, Victor crashed his bicycle and the pursuing cruiser ran him over. Are returned to work 10 days after this incident.

– Wendell Allen, 20 years old, 2012 — Officer Joshua Colclough fired a single bullet into Wendell’s chest whilst performing a search related to a marijuana investigation. He pleaded guilty of manslaughter and is set to carry out a four year sentence.

Seeing these names, knowing the white supremacist response and reward, we come to understand white AmeriKKKa has never had any value on black lives, it has only ever valued black death.

(Photo Credit: AmericaWakieWakie)