Was a kiss between Ivanova and Talia edited out?
No, nothing was cut; we had a matching problem at one point in the edit, where Andrea reached with her left hand in one angle, and didn’t reach out with the other, and we had to come around for the shot on Ivanova, so it looked a tick off. But nothing was cut.The question of course is not so much “Was a kiss cut out?” as “Why wasn’t there a kiss?”
This is a lot more convincing to me (and I speak as a Trekkie that ranks DS9 second only to the original series) than Deep Space Nine’s Dax and Kahn episode, because that came out of nowhere, went nowhere, and was heavy-handed “Lesson of the Week” hit us over the head with their point.
Babylon 5, by contrast, had a believeable and organic relationship going on here.
Heh, great point. JMS had a kinda BS answer to that too. “I didn’t show a kiss because, in my experience, it’s easier on all around if one steps into the shallow end of the pool first, and walks into the deep end rather than diving in and splashing everybody in the process.” Might have helped if he’d indicated that he’d at least tried to push something stronger, but there we go.