I like how in these hijab ban discussions the concern for Muslim women supposedly forced to cover themselves disintegrates into “it’s rude, offensive, and makes me uncomfortable.” Yeah, keep pretending you’re not xenophobic and misogynistic.
I like how in these hijab ban discussions the concern for Muslim women supposedly forced to cover themselves disintegrates into “it’s rude, offensive, and makes me uncomfortable.” Yeah, keep pretending you’re not xenophobic and misogynistic.
Fic Rec: Could Have Been A Year | Thrace (Once Upon a Time, Mulan/Aurora)
Fic Rec: Could Have Been A Year | Thrace (Once Upon a Time, Mulan/Aurora)
Mulan tries to forget about Aurora. Fate has other plans.
Fic Rec: Could Have Been A Year | Thrace (Once Upon a Time, Mulan/Aurora)
Fic Rec: Could Have Been A Year | Thrace (Once Upon a Time, Mulan/Aurora)
Mulan tries to forget about Aurora. Fate has other plans.
Gravity was made for 3D. Just saw it in IMAX 3D and it was awesome. And sfx, acting, and the music aside, which were all great, wow, Sandra Bullock looks good. How is she 49??
Gravity was made for 3D. Just saw it in IMAX 3D and it was awesome. And sfx, acting, and the music aside, which were all great, wow, Sandra Bullock looks good. How is she 49??