




Chis Evans meets my standards for heroism.

Well, he is Captain American AND the Human Torch. Doesn’t get much more heroic than that.

Ben Shapiro deserves the people who read Breitbart.

Back the fuck up

So all of a sudden

When a POC comes out as gay

Folks wanna try and play it down

Where the fuck was this person when all them other folks came the fuck out of the closet?

What Jason did speaks VOLUMES for us, and by us I fucking mean queers of color and by queers of color I’m speaking mostly for BLACK queers.

Ya know

The folks who don’t exist

Most people don’t even fucking understand that you can be both BLACK and QUEER, or how all kinds of other identities intersect with that shit

MOST FOLKS don’t even fucking understand that it is NOT black people who the most homophobic

This man flatout stated he’s black AND gay

My heart is still aflutter after that shit

Folks can stay salty forever about it, I do not curr

Go on booboo