Hey, you.
Yes, you.
Do you put words down on paper? Even if you don’t show them to anyone or post them anywhere? Or even if it’s just a drabble, or it doesn’t get any/many notes?
I want to take a moment to appreciate you.
Because you? Are doing something awesome. Do you know how difficult it is to put words on paper? Or how much courage it takes to share what you’ve written? It takes a lot, and man, I’m proud of you.
You’ve written something. And even if you think it’s “bad”, it’s still something, and you’ll only get better with time and practice. You still created something. Do you know how many people go throughout their lives and never create a single thing? A whole lot. But not you.
Pat yourself on the back. Go eat an ice cream cone. You’ve earned.
This made me feel good, so now I forward the good feelings on to all of the writers who follow me. <3
Indeed. I’ve actually made a promise to myself, starting from last week, to review every single thing I’ve read (and liked; not necessarily going to go in and criticize) going forward, and attempt to go back to bookmarked fics and do them too.
I used to be a terrible reviewer, always thinking that if I liked something, others would as well and they’d write much better reviews than my blithering “omg, yay, thumbs up”, but. I think most writers would be happy even with that much andI can at the leastwrite down just some of the things I liked about the story.