No one in the world has swagger like us.
In response to Lady Gaga’s heinous and miserable attempt to appropriate the burqa. It’s disrespectful to muslim women who actually do wear the burqa and no, she’s not doing anything for us by wearing it in a very sexualized manner in the name of fashion. There is nothing that will justify what she did and how she did it. This is REAL burqa swag.
Sorry. I can’t hear you over the sound of how much your religion hates anyone with a vagina.
That’s actually funny considering that in the pre-Islamic era, in the Arab societies, the women were deprived of the most basic human rights that is required for human existence. The practice of female infanticide was widely practiced among some of the Arab tribes. The first and foremost contribution that Islam made to elevating the social status of the Arab women was to give them the right to live. Islam forbade this inhumane practice and was highly critical of the attitudes allowing parents to reject their female children. Islam viewed the practice as a crime and murder. When women were nothing but chattel and property in places that are considered “modern” today like England and France, Muslim women were being given the right to inherit, divorce, work, keep their own money as well as spend their husbands, 1400 years ago in the deserts of Arabia. Why would a “misogynistic and patriarchal” religion care about these innocent baby girls? Why would Islam tell us that our mothers are the most respected figures in our lives after God and the Prophet? Muslim female scholars argue that most wrongs committed against women in the strictest countries of the Muslim world are not based on the Quran. It is based on local culture, traditions, political repression, illiteracy and poverty. Which can probably be said the same for your ~accepting and free~ western societies as well. Learn your stuff before you spew some stuff you probably learned from Pamela Geller.
fuck yeeeeeeeeeah
No, sorry, the argument that “it’s marginally better than it was before!” carries no weight in the year c.e. 2012. Also, as someone who has read the Quran, I have to say that those Muslim female scholars are deluding themselves. The Quran did represent a huge step forward for women at the time it was written, but that’s as far as it goes — by modern standards it’s a misogynistic text, plain and simple.
I don’t even know who the fuck Pamela Geller is, and I don’t care. My advice is, if you base your argument on an interpretation of a sacred text, you should maybe read it yourself first, rather than fall back on religious apologists who have an ax to grind. And that’s true for EVERY religion.
And FYI: I’m no fan of Lady GaGa but she doesn’t need to justify what she did. She has a right to express herself in any fucking way she wants, and if you find it offensive, it’s your responsibility to stop watching/change the channel/put down the magazine. It’s one thing to be critical of her actions, it entirely another to take it personally.
And further FYI: if you’ve really read the Muslim female apologists, you’d also find out that the specific instructions for women to veil themselves head-to-foot are…non-existent in the Quran. That’s all part of those “restrictive cultural traditions that are local/regional.” The burqua is likely a vestigial relic from pre-Islamic times and has nothing, but nothing, to do with Islam other than having a cultural association with it. It is not Quranic. Women are only instructed to dress “modestly”, and the only women who are ordered to veil themselves are the wives of the Prophet. Which, if you had ever read the Quran, you’d already know.
(This is why atheists will ALWAYS win in a throw down with apologists: we actually read this shit, and we do so objectively.)
So please do enjoy falling down off your high horse.
You’ve read the Quran, even though it’s not part of your religious belief system. Good for you. Have a cookie. But there is a lot more to Islam than reading a book. Like any religion there is interpretation to be made, and no two people believe the exact same thing. Reading the holy texts of a religion doesn’t make you an expert or give you the right to tell people of a certain religion how they can or can not think. Is a woman’s choice to cover herself hurting you? No.
But I feel the real problem here it that you are entirely missing the point and forcing this into an opportunity to “smack down” someone else’s religion. Which horribly uncalled for, as the original post is as much about appropriation as it is religion. For years muslim women have had to deal with white feminism trying to “liberate” them, trying to tell them that they can do what ever they want with their bodies…except cover it. So it makes sense that a muslim woman would be offended by seeing a white, non muslim, pop star donning a garment that has a strong cultural significance to gain attention. That’s called cultural appropriation and it’s a really shitty thing we white people have been doing to a lot of cultures for a long time. So yes, Gaga does have some apologizing to do.
So I ask you, how arrogant can you be to think that from reading one book, on single text, that you have the right to tell someone else everything their is to know about their religion and culture? You are making this look like you are arguing against misogyny, when really, all you are doing is attacking women who are proud of their cultural heritage, a heritage that often times is misconstrued and used against them(kind like you’re doing now), when really, all you are doing is playing into and propagating the myth that muslim women need use white feminist to come and liberate them. You are no better than any misogynist who would a force a women into a burqa, because you are trying to take away her choice too, same as them. You are not part of the culture, neither am I. So neither of us gets to say what muslim women do and do not have a right to be angry about.
If anyone needs to take a hard tumbl off the high horse, it’s you.
</end rant>
Wait, how come Muslim women have to justify what they wear but Lady Gaga is just expressing herself?