Who, What, Where, Wendigo? – Season 2, Episode 10 (caps are 1000×563)

Oh, my, everyone looked so good this episode. Especially Nathan. He and Audrey trekking around in their gear and their jeans and blue shirts. Niiice. Lots of pretty shots, in the woods and by the fire.

Thoughts (including spoilers):

I liked how even how though they’d started out with other partners, Nathan and Audrey gravitated to each other. And Audrey calling Duke out on his joining the Rev and treatment of Nathan was badass.

For a bit, they’d actually succeeded in creating an uneasy, eerie atmosphere, all these dangerous competent people with guns on the beach at night around their fires, and trying not to freak out over the crazy noises from the woods.

Dwight is a freaking hero. I hope he stays around for longer.

And at the very end, that was one of the more interesting twists I’ve seen. No, not having Etheridge playing as the closing music (though it fit the Nathan-Audren-Duke/Amelia-Rory-Sophie-Dwight-Frankie-Lizzie scenes nicely) but Audrey’s admission.

Audrey Parker is a good character (though the jury may still be out on Lucy Ripley). She’s compassionate and has always pursued the morally correct approach, preferring the peaceful solution over violence every time, even at the risk of herself and her friends. But she just, very clearly, admitted to having killed the Reverend, not only to save Amelia’s life, though I’m sure that was part of it, but because of the “war”. Was she right? Probably. But it is a very interesting, rare thing to see good characters break the apparently almost universal no-kill rule and not be torn up with angst after.