Wicked, and Glinda: the Musical’s Best Character
Wicked, and Glinda: the Musical’s Best Character
Yoko Kanno (The Seatbelts) – Piano Black, Green Bird, Piano Bar, etc.
Oh, god, this is my favoritest ever piece from the Bebop OST. Listen especially to 2:30 onwards.
Yoko Kanno (The Seatbelts) – Piano Black, Green Bird, Piano Bar, etc.
Oh, god, this is my favoritest ever piece from the Bebop OST. Listen especially to 2:30 onwards.
A Secret Relationship Unlike Any Other by Readwitch.
It’s only four chapters but it’s complete and kind of funny but also accurate. In a way, it’s like the opposite of SHAfD, being very short, not written in that sweeping style, and points out some extremely insightful observations of canon Rachel, Quinn, and the rest of the Glee clubbers.
I wish I’d waited to read it until after SHAfD, since I will probably be an emotional wreck.
A Secret Relationship Unlike Any Other by Readwitch.
It’s only four chapters but it’s complete and kind of funny but also accurate. In a way, it’s like the opposite of SHAfD, being very short, not written in that sweeping style, and points out some extremely insightful observations of canon Rachel, Quinn, and the rest of the Glee clubbers.
I wish I’d waited to read it until after SHAfD, since I will probably be an emotional wreck.