Lady Brett Ashley: Oh. 1/1

Lady Brett Ashley: Oh. 1/1

Lady Brett Ashley: Oh. 1/1

Lady Brett Ashley: Oh. 1/1

Glee is the ultimate pop-cultural hate-fuck for me. It gets so much right, champions the unloved and unlovely, produces some genuinely sublime, can’t-stop-smiling coups de theatre, and is, when all’s said and done, one of the most heart-felt, funny and truly progressive shows on television today. Or ever.

But FUCK ME if it isn’t also skull-poundingly awful, misogynistic, bi-phobic, atrociously plotted, bloated with its own sense of moral superiority and forever teetering on the edge of eye-clawing insanity. It drives me berzerk that I cannot stop watching it, even as I’m throwing things at the television and screaming “What the fuck do you mean ‘I’m relatively sane, for a girl.’?! You’re just fucking with me now, aren’t you Murphy?”

RM and Glee’s Powers-That-Be have so far to go to make the show into a consistent, cohesive whole, but they keep falling back into dropped plots and contemptibly lazy characterisation. I keep waiting and waiting for them to pull it together, even for a single episode, and it never quite happens.

And yet. And yet. I love it. I do. It’s so frustrating to hear Ryan Murphy’s hacky bloviations on his own self-importance, and his overweening sense of creative pomposity. But I still feel intensely, heart-breakingly grateful to him for making moments like this happen. Every time I think I’m out, they just keep pulling me back in. So if you’ll excuse me, I need to go lie down and think about Darren Criss’s dreamy, dreamy eyes for a little while.

A Small Turnip @ Jezebel (via heavyonthethinking)


OH MY GOD WHOEVER WROTE THIS…. I adore you and your eloquent way of nailing every single point. *bows down*

(via happyinchintz72)

Oh I definitely have a hate-love relationship with Glee. Some moments are awful. And then some parts I connect with. I STILL SAY I ONLY REALLY WATCH FOR KURT AND SUE. And sometimes lesbians.

(via tacoface)

Glee is the ultimate pop-cultural hate-fuck for me. It gets so much right, champions the unloved and unlovely, produces some genuinely sublime, can’t-stop-smiling coups de theatre, and is, when all’s said and done, one of the most heart-felt, funny and truly progressive shows on television today. Or ever.

But FUCK ME if it isn’t also skull-poundingly awful, misogynistic, bi-phobic, atrociously plotted, bloated with its own sense of moral superiority and forever teetering on the edge of eye-clawing insanity. It drives me berzerk that I cannot stop watching it, even as I’m throwing things at the television and screaming “What the fuck do you mean ‘I’m relatively sane, for a girl.’?! You’re just fucking with me now, aren’t you Murphy?”

RM and Glee’s Powers-That-Be have so far to go to make the show into a consistent, cohesive whole, but they keep falling back into dropped plots and contemptibly lazy characterisation. I keep waiting and waiting for them to pull it together, even for a single episode, and it never quite happens.

And yet. And yet. I love it. I do. It’s so frustrating to hear Ryan Murphy’s hacky bloviations on his own self-importance, and his overweening sense of creative pomposity. But I still feel intensely, heart-breakingly grateful to him for making moments like this happen. Every time I think I’m out, they just keep pulling me back in. So if you’ll excuse me, I need to go lie down and think about Darren Criss’s dreamy, dreamy eyes for a little while.

A Small Turnip @ Jezebel (via heavyonthethinking)


OH MY GOD WHOEVER WROTE THIS…. I adore you and your eloquent way of nailing every single point. *bows down*

(via happyinchintz72)

Oh I definitely have a hate-love relationship with Glee. Some moments are awful. And then some parts I connect with. I STILL SAY I ONLY REALLY WATCH FOR KURT AND SUE. And sometimes lesbians.

(via tacoface)

“Straight Male Gamer” told to ‘get over it’ by BioWare

So you know how in Dragon Age 2 there are these various romantic options? Well, apparently one straight male gamer didn’t like that and complained about it and got supremely told.

I want to copy and paste everything BioWare, in the form of David Gaider, said, but just read it all. Here’s a quote:

And the person who says that the only way to please them is to restrict options for others is, if you ask me, the one who deserves it least.

“Straight Male Gamer” told to ‘get over it’ by BioWare

So you know how in Dragon Age 2 there are these various romantic options? Well, apparently one straight male gamer didn’t like that and complained about it and got supremely told.

I want to copy and paste everything BioWare, in the form of David Gaider, said, but just read it all. Here’s a quote:

And the person who says that the only way to please them is to restrict options for others is, if you ask me, the one who deserves it least.