Ask box: An Abundance of Artina/Tike thoughts
Anonymous asked:
Your Artie/Tina/Mike article was well-written, thoughtful, and incredible objective, given that it had so much potential for ship wars. I had a few follow up questions though.
Ask box: An Abundance of Artina/Tike thoughts
Anonymous asked:
Your Artie/Tina/Mike article was well-written, thoughtful, and incredible objective, given that it had so much potential for ship wars. I had a few follow up questions though.
Body of Proof Ep 3
Spoilers, so. Though it is no spoiler that the chief is gaygaygay for Megan Hunt.
First of all. The victim having been a previous patient of Dr. Hunt’s? Who didn’t call it the moment she saw the brain surgery clips? Welcome to your first time watching TV. And they dragged out the reveal forever, too!
I’m honestly not sure what the purpose of Kate Murphy’s character is, except to provide an ambiguous interest in Dr. Hunt. She already has the usual workplace conflict with the detective and her own immediate boss (who she never treats like one), and the understanding and relationship mentoring from Peter, so… Why do we even need the chief as a main character? She’s smart enough to understand the in-depth medical jargon so it’s not like she’s there to ask questions for easy exposition, not when we have every other character for that.
To be clear, I quite like her character, aside from it being played by Jeri Ryan. A competent, professional, nice, intelligent (and gorgeous) woman in a position of power who handles her responsibilities well? That’s…kind of perfect. I’m just wondering if her role will change eventually. NOT, not, not to become a potential love interest. Even I don’t think that. I ship it, but yeah, no. I just don’t want her to become some kind of adversary.
Anyway! On to the shipping.
Patented Seven eyebrow raise followed by the blink of understanding and then the look of sympathy. Aww. (And can I just say how nice it is to see Jeri Ryan in normal clothes? I almost want to watch more of Shark just to get away from those biosuits.)
Okay, now that “look at you” scene later on is what got a lot of comments but what happens here is bizarre.
We’ve already had some nice (and occasionally odd) juxtaposition of the two in just three episodes.
Simple enough, just some routine checking up.
Oh. Oh. Well. Well, then.
She’s so confused. I laughed at the nod and then the immediate return to work.
Oooohkay. Trying to tell us something, Doctor Murphy?
Oh, Dr. Hunt. Why you so obtuse, though?
I think this look speaks for itself. Shot down, yo. Look how she tries to get back to business after the defensive hair-toss. (Also, I kind of imagine her thinking “Oh, so this is how Captain Janeway felt.” Hrm. BoP = holodeck malfunction where Janeway’s lost her memory and now Seven has to regain her trust and her lurve? I think so.)
And then we have that “whoa, look at you” moment which has been gif’d by people far more talented than me.
In conclusion? Gaygaygay.
Body of Proof Ep 3
Spoilers, so. Though it is no spoiler that the chief is gaygaygay for Megan Hunt.
First of all. The victim having been a previous patient of Dr. Hunt’s? Who didn’t call it the moment she saw the brain surgery clips? Welcome to your first time watching TV. And they dragged out the reveal forever, too!
I’m honestly not sure what the purpose of Kate Murphy’s character is, except to provide an ambiguous interest in Dr. Hunt. She already has the usual workplace conflict with the detective and her own immediate boss (who she never treats like one), and the understanding and relationship mentoring from Peter, so… Why do we even need the chief as a main character? She’s smart enough to understand the in-depth medical jargon so it’s not like she’s there to ask questions for easy exposition, not when we have every other character for that.
To be clear, I quite like her character, aside from it being played by Jeri Ryan. A competent, professional, nice, intelligent (and gorgeous) woman in a position of power who handles her responsibilities well? That’s…kind of perfect. I’m just wondering if her role will change eventually. NOT, not, not to become a potential love interest. Even I don’t think that. I ship it, but yeah, no. I just don’t want her to become some kind of adversary.
Anyway! On to the shipping.
Patented Seven eyebrow raise followed by the blink of understanding and then the look of sympathy. Aww. (And can I just say how nice it is to see Jeri Ryan in normal clothes? I almost want to watch more of Shark just to get away from those biosuits.)
Okay, now that “look at you” scene later on is what got a lot of comments but what happens here is bizarre.
We’ve already had some nice (and occasionally odd) juxtaposition of the two in just three episodes.
Simple enough, just some routine checking up.
Oh. Oh. Well. Well, then.
She’s so confused. I laughed at the nod and then the immediate return to work.
Oooohkay. Trying to tell us something, Doctor Murphy?
Oh, Dr. Hunt. Why you so obtuse, though?
I think this look speaks for itself. Shot down, yo. Look how she tries to get back to business after the defensive hair-toss. (Also, I kind of imagine her thinking “Oh, so this is how Captain Janeway felt.” Hrm. BoP = holodeck malfunction where Janeway’s lost her memory and now Seven has to regain her trust and her lurve? I think so.)
And then we have that “whoa, look at you” moment which has been gif’d by people far more talented than me.
In conclusion? Gaygaygay.
Ask box: Tike vs. Artina
acciomikechang asked:
Whats your opinion on Tike, out of curiosity. 🙂
Or Tike vs. Artina.
Every single word is so spot on.
Ask box: Tike vs. Artina
acciomikechang asked:
Whats your opinion on Tike, out of curiosity. 🙂
Or Tike vs. Artina.
Every single word is so spot on.