

Glee: A guide to ship names

(Zoom; it’s a big one!)

Just to clarify, for people noting missing ship names:

There’s 2 ship names for each pairing, the person whose names is first is read down the side column, and the second name is on the top row.

For example, if you ship Matt and Tina (because why not?)
If you read down matt, across to Tina you’ll come across Mattina
If you read down Tina, across to Matt you’ll see Tatt

I only included students who have been in a Glee club, not teachers.

When there were more than one ship name (e.g. Kum or Kam, I just made an excecutive decision)

Hope that helps!

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The Rachel column, hee. And even with all those blue cells, the white, underlined ones are so popular.